Discourse selected for Mozilla Open Source Support program
In late October Mozilla announced something called the Mozilla Open Source Support Program.
Their selection criteria seemed favourable towards Discourse, so we decided to take a shot at it.
I am reminded regularly of how deeply Mozillians identify open source and free software as a critical element of an open Internet and healthy, trustworthy online experiences. I am excited to build a program that helps us bring concrete support to this worldview. You are the key to making this program great – to identifying great projects, to helping figure out what engagement from Mozilla would make a meaningful difference and to deepening Mozilla’s connections with our open source and free software compatriots.
Today, we are pleased to announce that the MOSS program has awarded Discourse a grant of $25’000!
$25k worth of e-mail improvements
We've earmarked this grant for improving e-mail functionality in Discourse. Our goal is to reach feature parity with popular mailing list programs. For more in depth information about the task at hand, go check out our MOSS Roadmap. That’s also the place to chime in with other email-related feature requests that you’d like us to consider.
Our “Mozilla Champion” - holding our hand through this process - will be Rubén Martín @nukeador, who’s been part of the Meta community since the early days. He’s also a staffer on the wonderful Mozilla Community forum. We've also worked closely with Mozilla on their Discourse communities for the Rust language, one on internals for core contributors, and another for general Rust users.
Christmas really did come early this year
We’re thankful of Mozilla for giving us this opportunity and we applaud them as an exemplary open source citizen. Our agendas for the open web are closely aligned, as we are both heavily invested in the World Wide Web as an open, standardised platform on top of which we can build our products and distribute them across the world on an equal playing field.
Thanks, Mozilla, for this grant, and for your ongoing support of the Discourse project. Feels like the beginning of a beautiful friendship!