Discourse in Outreachy Summer 2018

tl;dr: Discourse will be participating in Outreachy Summer. If you are eligible to participate in this internship, please consider applying!
About Outreachy
Participants of Outreachy work with an open source organization (in our case Discourse) on a 3 month programming project. It’s similar to events like Google Summer of Code, however the aim of Outreachy is to provide a collaborative environment in which newcomers from underrepresented backgrounds get an opportunity to learn from and contribute to FOSS by doing paid, full-time work.
Participation is open internationally to all women (cis and trans), trans men, and genderqueer people. Additionally, it's open to residents and nationals of the United States of any gender who are Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander.
Source: https://www.outreachy.org/
Furthermore, unlike GSoC, Outreachy is open to all ages, not just students.
We were planning to defer on Outreachy until this winter, seeing as our mentoring capacity is limited. However, since our application for GSoC got rejected we decided to participate in the Outreachy summer round after all! As a result of this sudden u-turn everything is happening at the last minute, but judging by our previous Outreachy interns we're confident we'll be hearing from some excellent candidates shortly.
How to apply
The main application is available at outreachy.org.
Outreachy requires applicants to have made a contribution to the project they're applying to. Make sure you carefully read the "Recommended reading before applying" and "What you'll be working on" sections.
The formal application deadline is March 22, 2018, but we'll be extending it by one week, to March 29.
Any questions? Please contact team@discourse.org or ask questions on meta.discourse.org.