Discourse 2.5 released!
Today we release Discourse 2.5, building on Discourse 2.4 from February. For post 2.0 releases we've chosen a new set of codenames based on the history of human communication; this release is Greek and represents the invention of the written alphabet.
Bookmarks With Reminders and Descriptions
Bookmarking a post has existed since the earliest versions of Discourse, but it was a very simple feature. Maybe, to be honest, a bit too simple. In this release, we've enhanced bookmarking to make it far more effective -- you can now optionally set a reminder date to go along with that bookmark.

You can also add a description to the bookmark so you can remember exactly why you wanted to be reminded, and there's an enhanced bookmark tab on your user page to keep track of all your bookmarks (and reminders).
This makes a core Discourse feature a lot more practical, and, dare we say ... useful?
Multiple User Invite Links
Every Discourse community needs an influx of new users to become a thriving community. In earlier versions of Discourse, staff users could send out invites, either as emails or join links -- but only to one person at a time. In this release, we've added the ability for staff to send out an invite link that works for many people, as many as you want, with an expiration date, and an optional group membership too.

If you're a staff member, visit the invites tab on your user page and press the Send Invite button to take advantage of this new feature -- invite a lot of great new community members to your Discourse by simply sharing a link! You can also track how your invite links are doing, and how many times they have been redeemed, from the same tab on your user profile.
Multiple Email Address Support
In Discourse, email is your identity. But what happens when you have multiple email addresses, as most of us tend to do in today's connected world? Good news! We've added support for multiple email addresses to Discourse!

No more worrying about remembering the "right" email address. You can now log in and even reply via email using any of your associated email accounts.
To add one or more additional email addresses, visit the account tab in your user preferences.
Native Timezone Support
As Discourse becomes more of a global tool for teamwork, we find ourselves needing to know a bit more detail about our teammates -- such as what time zone they work from, so we're not asking them questions about work at, say midnight their time?
A quick visit to someone's user card lets you know what time of the day it currently is for them, like so:

If enabled, setting your timezone is as easy as visiting your user preferences, under the profile tab:

But you shouldn't need to, because Discourse is smart enough to infer your timezone from your browser settings at the time of account creation!
Static Page Publishing Support
Discourse makes for an excellent discussion and collaboration system, but it's not much of a generic web page publishing system. If all you need is a single, static web page you had to install some other software along Discourse. Well, not any more!
We're proud to offer a simple new feature that turns any Discourse topic into a standalone web page, with an URL of your choice:

Be sure to check the enable page publishing
in your site settings, then use the admin wrench on the post to initiate Page Publishing.

Automatic Reply Deletion
Discourse has robust support for wiki topics that can be collaboratively edited. But we also noticed that replies, comments, and clarifications tended to pile up as replies at the bottom of these wiki topics, sometimes hundreds of them. And who has time to read hundreds of replies, when all the important information you need should have been edited into the first post?

To help keep wiki topics clean and navigable, and to encourage people to edit the important information into the first post where it belongs, we've added a new topic timer type to automatically delete replies after a certain number of days.
(Note that there's also a companion site setting to protect any posts from deletion if they have a certain number of likes, so they can be curated more effectively.)
Removal of Internet Explorer 11 Support
As we announced in January, this is the last release of Discourse which supports Internet Explorer 11. All future Discourse releases will require a recent version of Microsoft's newer browser, Edge. To ease this transition, we've significantly enhanced our basic, read-only HTML view which we serve to all older browsers.
And So Much More!
Our team works hard on every release, and there's just too much going on to cover in one blog post! View the release-notes tag to get a detailed account of changes in every beta leading up to this release, or see the full release notes.
Easy One Click Upgrade
If you are on our hosting, you're already upgraded. Otherwise, upgrading is as easy as clicking the Update button linked from your Discourse dashboard.

We have a public exploit bounty program at Hacker One as a part of our security policy. We believe in being secure by default at Discourse, and we follow up on any security concerns brought to us. There are several important security fixes in 2.5, so we urge everyone to upgrade as soon as possible.
If you don't have a Discourse to upgrade, why not? Install it yourself in under 30 minutes, or start an absolutely free, no strings attached 14 day hosting trial!
Thank You
A huge thanks to our customers. We quite literally could not do this without your direct financial support, and we're proud to give our open source code back to the world alongside you.
You can measure the health of any open source project by one simple metric -- its contributors. Thanks for the code contributions in this release from:
rimian, magjac, sbernhard, nikolai-b, StarWar, iunctis, pfaffman, zcuric, SidVal, angusmcleod, schungx, runlevel5, wpp, vkozyrev, nylen, discoursehosting, Ahmedgagan, artemv, pacharanero, melhosseiny, danielhollas, weewey, mrsimo, sau226, weallwegot, hellekin, Chow89, p-betula, ursinewalrus, fastengineer, mikroskeem, jpowell, pbenkoe, josuesantamaria, dave0688, bmorrical-ICC, dandv, hellcp, fzngagan, benbowler, pnoeric, blueworrybear, mentalstring, rizka10, frafra, rukku, cketti, legalosLOTR, tmm1, johnsonm, adqm.
Many thanks to the translators who generously contributed their time and effort translating Discourse into dozens of languages for this release.
As always, thanks to the greater Discourse community for posting support / bug request / feedback topics on meta.discourse and helping us improve Discourse. If you operate or support a Discourse community, we would love to hear from you!
Wondering what's coming up next for Discourse in version 2.6 and beyond? Visit the releases category to get a sneak preview of what we'll be working on next.